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Spring 2024 Update

Interested in starting a co-op? (Or recently started one and want to obtain 501c3 status?)

Our beloved co-op of 20 years sadly didn't survive the pandemic. Instead of simply shutting down, we would like to be a blessing to another Christian co-op just getting started and effectively transfer our corporate and tax exempt status to them. We have already gone through the time and expense of incorporating in IL and becoming a 501c3. By taking over our organization you can give your group a bit of a head start on organizing properly and saving some money. You can keep your current name as a DBA and I will help you legally change the name from Christian Workshops of the Fox Valley as soon as possible.

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested.

Here are some requirements:
  • Be an existing or new group that plans on running a homeschool co-op in the Fall of 2024
  • Have at least 3 unrelated people willing to serve as board members and attend monthly or quarterly board meetings
  • Be Christian-based (you can determine your own membership qualifications and whether or not to require a statement of faith)
  • Allow our current treasurer to remain on your board as a non-voting member for at least one year for training and transition assistance
  • CWF will pay for all necessary filings but we reserve the right to donate what remains of our funds to homeschool groups in the Elgin area that still serve our former members or the church that generously hosted us for several years.
  • Legal requirements: IL requires an annual filing that costs $10/yr. The IRS requires an annual filing that is free. Each takes less than 5 minutes to complete.
Other options (not mandatory but you might find these helpful):
  • PayPal business account with lower non-profit fees
  • HSLDA discount group
  • I can help you set-up a Homeschool-life page (ours is paid up until Sept so I can also help train your web admin using this page)
  • ICHE membership (they require all board members to sign their statement of faith but you do not have to renew)


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Mandatory Waivers & Releases
Statement of Faith & Releases
This digital form must be signed by all members prior to the first day of classes.
Mandatory Waivers & Releases
Adult Waiver & Release of Liability
Mandatory release form for all adults who assist, teach, or volunteer with CWF.
Mandatory Waivers & Releases
Youth Waiver & Release of Liability
Mandatory release form for all youth who attend CWF.